Hacks to make your life easier.

So I hunted all over the net and found some great hacks to make your life easier. No more piles of bags on your bed, no more lost hair pins and no more frustration. Here’s a list I compiled. Super easy and smart ideas. Check them out.


1. Break in your flats in under five minutes.


Step 1: Put on thick socks, and then your flats.
Step 2: Blow-dry your shoes around the tight sections for a few minutes.
Step 3: Keep your socks/flats on while it cools.
Step 4: Test them out, repeat process if you need them more stretched out.


2. Put clear nail polish on the inside of your rings.

nail polish

Your fingers will be free from green stains.

3. Use a pumice stone to de-fuzz a sweater.



4. Hang your purses with shower curtain hooks.


5. White wine neutralizes red wine stains.


Yeah, you read that correctly. When you’re at a party and you accidentally spill some red wine on your blouse, immediately pour white wine over the stain and let it air-dry. The white neutralizes the red, making it easier to take out the stain.


6. Store your makeup on a magnet board.

make up

8. Paint your keys with nail polish to easily distinguish the sets.


It especially helps when you lend a spare key to a houseguest.


9. Chill your white wine with frozen grapes.


This prevents the flavor from being watered down!


10. When you pack a suitcase, wrap your shoes in a shower cap.


This will prevent the soles from touching your clean clothes.


11. Add a magnetic strip in your bathroom cabinet to support bobby pins and tweezers.



12. Put your necklace through a straw to keep the chain from tangling.


13. Mount cutlery trays to store your jewelry.



14. Use two fingers to test out your bra fit.


If you can’t comfortably fit two fingers under the band of your bra, it is too tight. If you can fit your entire fist under the band, it’s too loose.


15. Put baking soda in your flats to avoid smelly shoes.


When you put shoes on without socks, your feet sweat and start to smell. If you put baking soda in your flats, it will kill the bacteria and get rid of that gross smell.


16. Use your hair straightener to iron hems.


17. Run your mascara wand under hot water for easier application.


Also, do NOT pump your mascara wand in and out of the tube — that causes it to clump. Twirl the wand inside the bottle before applying another coat.


18. Use ice cubes to remove gum from your hair.


It will harden the gum, making it easier to remove. You can also use this method for getting gum off the soles of shoes.